Skolan vill att jag ska bli lat
Här har man en total dansdag och vill fortsätta dansa med Amalia, och så finns det inga salar i skolan att boka så att det skiter sig med det. Vad gör man? Bloggar och facebook. Känner mig stockholm som bloggar, kanske ska ta och dricka lite chailatte när jag ändå håller på?
Nej. Men jag är glad idag, för imorgon ska vi till operan, fika och sen en lektion, och då är mer än halva veckan avklarad. Jag vill så gärna skriva något komiskt som får mig själv att le i framtiden, och förhoppningsvis er att le också, om ni har min humor. Men since att det inte är så många som har det så vet jag inte riktigt hur jag ska roa er. Langar upp något som alltid får mig på bra humör. Fml's!
"Today, I woke up after a few friends came over last night. There are eggs, coins and Oreos glued to the ceiling, 10 broken jars, no food left, and most of the contents of my house are in the garden. And I'm naked and covered in permanent marker drawings of Pokemon. My parents return in an hour. FML"
"Today, my girlfriend changed her relationship status on Facebook to 'It's Complicated' because I didn't give her my last cookie. This happens all the time. FML"
"Today, my boyfriend told me that having sex with me was as good as eating crispy bacon. I don't know if I should feel complimented. FML"
"Today, my boyfriend bought me a gorgeous ring that I fell in love with. As he slid the ring on my finger for the first time, he started moving it up and down my finger and making loud sex sounds, completely ruining the romantic moment. FML"
"Today, my boyfriend still couldn't work out where my clitoris is. It's RIGHT THERE, you idiot. I've pointed it out, but each time it's like he needs a compass and a map or something. FML"
"Today, it's my birthday. My girlfriend gave me a Paul Frank t-shirt. It says "I'm single." FML"
That'll be enough. Nu blir det streeeet! Ciao!
Nej. Men jag är glad idag, för imorgon ska vi till operan, fika och sen en lektion, och då är mer än halva veckan avklarad. Jag vill så gärna skriva något komiskt som får mig själv att le i framtiden, och förhoppningsvis er att le också, om ni har min humor. Men since att det inte är så många som har det så vet jag inte riktigt hur jag ska roa er. Langar upp något som alltid får mig på bra humör. Fml's!
"Today, I woke up after a few friends came over last night. There are eggs, coins and Oreos glued to the ceiling, 10 broken jars, no food left, and most of the contents of my house are in the garden. And I'm naked and covered in permanent marker drawings of Pokemon. My parents return in an hour. FML"
"Today, my girlfriend changed her relationship status on Facebook to 'It's Complicated' because I didn't give her my last cookie. This happens all the time. FML"
"Today, my boyfriend told me that having sex with me was as good as eating crispy bacon. I don't know if I should feel complimented. FML"
"Today, my boyfriend bought me a gorgeous ring that I fell in love with. As he slid the ring on my finger for the first time, he started moving it up and down my finger and making loud sex sounds, completely ruining the romantic moment. FML"
"Today, my boyfriend still couldn't work out where my clitoris is. It's RIGHT THERE, you idiot. I've pointed it out, but each time it's like he needs a compass and a map or something. FML"
"Today, it's my birthday. My girlfriend gave me a Paul Frank t-shirt. It says "I'm single." FML"
That'll be enough. Nu blir det streeeet! Ciao!
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